Mining and Minerals Today Issue 103 July 2024 | Page 11

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Interview times . Users experience an average ten percent fuel economy improvement . There is a substantial decrease in lubricant consumption and 25-to-70 percent fewer residual hydrocarbons in exhaust .
“ Maintenance engineers are generally more open to trying a new product when they have an unresolved issue ,” she continues . “ If they ’ re happy with their current product , there ’ s very little chance that they will want to change . Our products offer an effective solution , and once tried and tested , we tend to build trust and clients are more willing to consider additional applications .
“ The impact we have on our clients ’ operations can also be significant from a sustainability perspective . Our technology enables them to enhance their sustainability performance at no extra cost . Companies don ’ t need to change their processes or equipment to implement our products . Simply switching the lubricant can result in emissions reductions . When equipment runs for longer , it requires replacement less frequently , which conserves resources .”
Sustainability at no extra cost
NEOL ’ s proprietary additive package uses organic copper salts instead of toxic phosphorus and sulfur compounds . This unique composition doesn ’ t acidify and , therefore , doesn ’ t require a high base content or generate excessive amounts of sulphated ash . As a result , used NEOL oil is easily recyclable and , in some cases , fully biodegradable .
Looking to the future , Leyla shares that NEOL will continue to strive for a circular economy while expanding its operations . “ We would like to share this technology with as many manufacturers as possible and showcase its benefits . While it ’ s not the cheapest available solution in terms of initial outlay , when you consider total cost of ownership and lifecycle benefits , it is extremely competitive ,” she explains .
“ It ’ s important to look beyond the purchase price of materials because there are optimizations to be made with new , innovative technology . Sustainability doesn ’ t need to come at an extra cost ; today , it is very much aligned with economic efficiency . In today ’ s world , it ’ s increasingly important for humans , machines , and nature to be resourceful . While striving to achieve our own goals , we must also preserve precious resources ,” Leyla concludes .
Indeed , NEOL understands the value of reserves and strives to create technologies that extend the lifespan of equipment , helping to protect both natural and human resources . Tribology is at the heart of NEOL ’ s product development and provides an outstanding solution to the centuriesold challenge of machine wear . ■ m-mtoday . com 11