Mining and Minerals Today Issue 103 July 2024 | Page 35

_________________________________________________________________________________ Premier
African Minerals
Our supplier relationships are vital to the operation remaining successful
Mozambique , Namibia , Zambia , and so on – we were able to put down roots .
“ At that time , we had several properties in Benin and its surrounding areas , so it was important that we expand our footprint . I chose Zimbabwe because I ’ m familiar with its anglophone culture . In addition , the legislation around mineral extraction is well known and easy to understand , making it an ideal next step for the business . The region does have a high-risk profile , according to other companies in our

IT Partner

for Premier African Minerals
Our proven track record and passion for IT in the mining sector sets us apart .
• Based in South Africa , working in the African continent & beyond .
• For all mines : from prospecting to full production .
• Offering full range of IT & communication services and expertise for the challenging mining environment .
• Solutions designed for growth and durability .
www . symlogia . com | mining @ symlogia . com
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