Mining and Minerals Today Issue 103 July 2024 | Page 37

__________________________________________________________________________________ Premier
African Minerals with each vendor in our supply chain . The procurement division is primarily responsible for selecting the suppliers — they prioritize consistency , communication , timeliness , and reliability .
“ Business partnerships like the one we have with UCP , for example , are essential . It ’ s paramount that we can rely on our suppliers , and we ’ re very lucky to have them as part of the Premier African Minerals family .”
Nearly two decades in the making , Premier African Minerals now has a presence in various locations across Zimbabwe and beyond . As George details : “ When we first started this business , we didn ’ t fully comprehend the vast range of critical metals and materials that we could extract and merge . But , as time went on , we found ourselves in a very interesting situation . We ’ ve moved on from the wellknown materials , and moved into a whole range of different substances , some of which are more in-keeping with market trends .
“ With the significant improvement in the price of APT , RHA tungsten will
Business partnerships like the one we have with UCP , for example , are essential become a more significant component in our projects . Tungsten has a huge variety of applications . Then there ’ s the manganese operation , which the business is involved in alongside some other key partners . In addition , we ’ re always looking to expand our horizons , so there ’ s a number of exploration properties on our radar .
Core Products Africa offers the most modern and innovative solution for all your core storage and core logging needs . From our unique prefab Zinc-Alume core trays that offer superior quality in Ergonomics , Safety and Durability to our Storage Pods and Digital Core Logging Tool ( ScanIT ).
For more information please contact : www . ucpafrica . com Email : info @ ucpafrica . com Call : (+ 27 ) 11 791 6723
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