_______________________________________________________________________________________ Magnetic
▲ Paul Fears
set at lower gaps , increasing the magnetic force at each disc and therefore separating different grades of magnetic material . Varying the current to each of the coils in the magnetic discs enables adjustment of the magnetic intensity to suit a specific separation objective .
Paramagnetic precision
The electromagnetic filter is adopted for removing magnetically susceptible particles from mineral slurries . The high-intensity background magnetic field ( up to 10,000 Gauss ) separates fine iron and paramagnetic minerals . Electromagnetic filters consist of an electromagnetic coil positioned around a central hollow core containing a magnetic ( 400 series ) stainless steel matrix of various designs . The coil generates a high intensity magnetic field that becomes intensified on the points of the matrix creating the magnetic force needed to separate paramagnetic particles from the slurry . The process , including automated removal of the captured magnetics , is managed through a separate control panel .
As mineral resources become increasingly depleted , mining companies are turning to reserves that require more processing , which is driving an increase in demand for magnetic separators . ■
Paul Fears www . buntingmagnetics . com
Paul Fears is the Press Officer at Bunting Magnetics , overseeing all media and marketing operations . Bunting is one of the world ’ s leading designers and manufacturers of magnetic separators , eddy current separators , metal detectors , and electrostatic separators , with globally located manufacturing facilities .
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