Mining and Minerals Today July 2023 | Page 15

Main interview
“ Critical supply chains are a key element . Copper and lithium are ranking very highly , particularly as battery metals . Speaking with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development , its current focus is lithium and cobalt ; if there ’ s anything of that ilk in Europe , they ’ re a hot commodity . I also think we ’ re going to see different portfolio investors , and potentially , partnerships between miners and end users coming forward . “ Additionally , the industry focus on health and safety has been ingrained for so long that it is unlikely to change . Rather , the pressure on companies , not just for health and safety , but also ESG compliance , is only likely to increase . Social values and understanding community and employee risk is still of paramount importance .
“ That ’ s not going to make life any easier . When we consider the price of copper , for example , it ’ s struggling to get over 8000 US dollars . That makes a big difference , as many of the commodities we ’ re looking at are lower grade and slightly more expensive to extract . This shift in commodity prices really does have to move in order to make things more economic .”
At WAI , alongside critical metals , precious metals are still a key part of the business . “ They may have taken a backseat to transition metals ,” Alison continues , “ but they are still an important business focus . Gold and other precious metals protect against financial instability , and I can ’ t see that changing in the near term , and probably not in the longer term . Precious metals protect against the weakening of the US dollar .
As much as we focus on critical metals , these other commodities are still of key importance .”
Team talent
In terms of the team at WAI , Alison emphasizes the importance of colleagues . “ I think Richard Branson said it best : ‘ Find the right people to work with , and you can ’ t go wrong .’ We ’ ve got a very talented team here , and that ’ s what makes us so successful . We hire the right people , and we allow them autonomy in their jobs . Our colleagues bring a range of specialties and disciplines to the table . Equally , the fields in which we work are vast . While we have a hybrid work option , we still work collaboratively and bounce ideas among the team . If we just worked in silos , the product would be much poorer , whereas collaboration enhances development .
“ I ’ m also a big believer in making and sticking to a decision . Roosevelt said : ‘ In any moment of indecision , the best thing you can do is the right thing . The worst thing you can do is nothing .’ Whether that ’ s in terms of your professional or even personal life , it ’ s important not to let opportunities pass you by ,” she concludes . ■
Fish farmers , Brazil
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