Materials handling
The quarrying industry plays a crucial role in the extraction of valuable minerals and materials for construction and infrastructure projects . However , the handling of challenging materials in quarries has always posed risks and obstacles to workers ’ safety . Here , David Strain technical director at systems integrator , Technidrive , explores how technological advancements have revolutionized the way materials are crushed , screened , and sized in quarrying operations , significantly enhancing safety measures .
From hand-arm vibration and falls from heights to explosives and heavy machinery , quarrying workers may be exposed to a number of health and safety risks . In fact , data from the Health and Safety Executive ( HSE ) shows that over 3500 quarry workers have suffered an injury reportable to HSE since 2000 , with 31 of those being fatal .
Automation has long played a pivotal role in enhancing safety in quarrying operations . Machinery equipped with automation systems can perform tasks that were previously executed by manual labour , eliminating the need for workers to enter hazardous areas .
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