Mining and Minerals Today July 2023 | Page 11

Main interview
Ukraine . I ’ m currently the ESG Lead for a world-class project in West Africa , which is taking up a lot of my time . I ’ m working to ensure that the project is designed and implemented in the most environmentally responsible manner possible .
“ We ’ re also wrapping up a fascinating project in Armenia ; reviewing their remote resource efficiency opportunities ,” shares Alison . “ This involved exploring the feasibility of subsurface fleet electrification , reviewing carbon emissions , sitewide , and analyzing the technical and commercial installation of renewable energy . So , in terms of what we can do , it ’ s extremely varied . Then , of course , as a deputy managing director , I also have a lot of people time .”
Changing perceptions
Indeed , the field of consultancy can often engender a steep learning curve , and Alison enjoys creating teams that function well and collaboratively with clients . “ We never stand still ,” she enthuses , “ nor does the world . To be a consultant and still be relevant , we need to add value and be experts in our m-mtoday . com 11