Mining and Minerals Today July 2023 | Page 12

field . Keeping ahead of that curve , in terms of problem solving , is one of the most critical , exciting , and satisfying elements of the job .
“ ESG , for us , covers everything from strategy to environmental and social impact assessments . It might be due diligence ; it might be looking at water resource management or specific detailed elements on site . Social value is also a critical aspect now , from mine closure to reclamation . ESG is critical wherever you are in the world . What ’ s interesting is that it ’ s no longer the sole premise of top tier companies ; everyone has got to be accountable . Indeed , a lack of ESG can now be a barrier to investment for most financing groups . While 20 years ago , ESG was viewed as preferable , today it is core to most CEOs ’ programs and projects , and that can only be to everyone ’ s benefit .
“ Mining and metals have consistently been seen as the villain of the piece in the context of environmental sustainability . However , I do believe the perception is changing , and raw materials are a critical part of the solution . To put that into context ; one , four-megawatt wind turbine requires five tons of copper wiring , something like two tons of rare earth elements , and 1200 tons of concrete . A mobile phone requires two thirds of the elements in the periodic table . Even if we are successful in reusing and recycling materials , and we will get better at that , irrespective , we are still going to need and depend on raw materials and therefore mining , for the transition to the green economy .
“ I saw a statistic recently , explaining that , excluding steel and aluminum , which are obviously part of a car ’ s bodywork , a conventional
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