Mining and Minerals Today July 2023 | Page 13

Main interview vehicle requires around 35 kilos of minerals , compared to its electric counterpart which requires over 200 . As such , the perception that going green will mean less mining has really got to change .”
Alternative opportunities
In terms of other issues affecting the mining industry , Alison is keen to emphasize the importance of keeping abreast of global events . “ Several factors affect the mining industry , from the energy transition and climate concerns to geopolitical and demand insecurity . The Covid pandemic , for example , was an interesting time in terms of raw materials demand . That said , the industry ’ s biggest challenge is probably pricing . That will always be a criticality for projects .
“ A further consideration is the industry talent crisis . Attracting the right people and retaining them is a really important issue for the entire sector . There are fewer educational facilities training fewer candidates . Camborne School of Mines delivers mineral processing degree and master ’ s courses , and this year , only had three candidates , which highlights the current lack of new talent .
There ’ s not been enough investment in exploration , in finding new assets and in bringing them to the fore
“ As a Firm , we are finding the need to be a bit more flexible . We offer different training opportunities ; we look at alternatives to traditional degree routes . We ’ re having to look at apprenticeships , for example , and
RC Drilling , Armenia m-mtoday . com 13